The policies that are below are rules that are not only for our league, but state and nationwide.
- Jewelry - as stated in your welcome letter from your coach - no jewelry (including earrings), metal or hard plastic barrettes or headbands, or hard casts are allowed during games or practices. This rule is a soccer-wide rule. It is not just a rule in our town/league, but rather a rule set forth by the governing body, FIFA, that states, "All items of jewelry (necklaces, rings, bracelets, earrings, leather, rubber bands (on the wrist) etc.) are strictly forbidden and must be removed. Using tape to cover jewelry is not acceptable." We do know of instances of players with newly pierced ears and we have replacement silicone earrings for players in U6 and U8. Allowing the silicone discs at U8 and under is a compromise.
For those players that are on our Nashoba League travel teams - Grade 3/4, Grade 5/6 and Grade 7/8 - jewelry and even silicone earrings are not allowed at all going forward. Even our referees are not allowed to wear jewelry. These rules are not arbitrary but are due to safety concerns and based on extensive studies and research. - Credentials - only players and CORI'd /credentialed adults (Adults who are registered on Stack Sports. If you are CORI'd because of your job, scouting or from another sport it does not matter - you have to be registered on Stack Sports) are allowed on the field and on the same side of the bench. Unless you are a player or a coach you should not be on the bench or behind the net. This applies to all levels U6-U14. Please let your extended family know. This is not a CYS rule it is a Mass Youth Soccer Rule as well as nation wide. If you are asked by a Board Member to move - we are just doing our job. Safety is our key concern. As well coaches must wear their credentials at all times when they are on the field - practice and games.
- Coaches and Rides - Coaches can only give rides if they have written permission from the parent/guardian of the player. We know that asking a coach for a ride is usually the exception and not the norm but before asking the coach please reach out to another parent/ guardian on the team. CYS main goal is the safety of our players and our coaches. Massachusetts Youth Soccer has asked CYS to follow their guidelines which are: Participating adults (organization registered adults) who are not also acting as a legal guardian, shall not ride alone with an unrelated athlete who is a minor, absent emergency circumstances, and may only drive with at least two other minor athletes or another adult at all times, unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the minor athlete’s parent/legal guardian in advance of each local travel.
- Cheering - Please do not yell instructions to your player. They are trying to hear their coach. I have been in your shoes and I am that parent that has yelled out things I think my player should be doing. I can assure you it confuses your player. The coaches are trying to relay instructions. Cheer on your team as well as the visiting team when they make a great play. Sportsmanship is a key area we are trying to development in our players.